The Golden Bullhorn: a list of wealthy messaging systems

This evolving list of the very wealthy who have purchased media messaging systems was created to illuminate who is behind the editorial agenda of the nation’s gleaming media outlets so recipients may put their messages into the proper perspective.

Headline news is so perfumed with commercial intent, social justice and governmental propaganda of the day; war, politics, economy, environment, health, education that it’s rarely possible to get the whole story from one outlet. One must bounce between the outer bands of political spectrum channels to piece together the reality.

Movies, television and radio is a wonderful way to escape from reality, to understand reality and to sometimes change reality. Unique documentary films can greatly impact industry like Supersize Me did to fast food. But some try to pass off, or will, entertainment fiction into reality to serve a political or social goal which is surreptitious to most audiences. A constant example of this willing into existence is George Orwell’s book, 1984, and it’s modern movie.

The messages that are being cast into the eyes, ears and minds of the public say more about the powerful behind the mediums than it does about the reality of the given situation, if one reads deeper than one headline and gains altitude over the concept. A deeply rooted, two-forked example of this is illegal immigration. It’s as if each side of the debate cannot see the other side for the trenches they’ve dug and a handshake is within reach.

One often hears “I want to change the world!” but not the undertone “to my liking.” But that’s the intonation, isn’t it? Well, imagine if money, access and power were no object. Imagine if the world envisioned by “those who can” leaves you out or goes directly against you.

That one is delivered information through twisted waves is how skeptical and reasonable audiences should accept messages from the Golden Bullhorn. Nothing broadcast in any medium is free from bias. Again, the point of this post is to illuminate who’s speaking through the mouthpiece and which hill they stand on.

Let’s start at the top with the richest man in the world.


Bezos owns Amazon which is the world’s largest retailer and subsequent largest importer of Chinese goods into the country. Amazon is dominant in the world of cloud computing and already holds one of the three big intelligence department’s data on his servers, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and is the current front runner to get the Pentagon’s deep dark secrets, too. Besides being the richest man in the world and storing the worlds most powerful government’s most secret data on his servers, he also owns and runs one of the nation’s most prestigious names in print journalism, The Washington Post of the Watergate Papers fame. If that’s not enough data, computing processing power and voice, Amazon Studios is now producing its own original movies.

So to sum up Jeff Bezos, he’s the world’s richest man with the biggest stake in Chinese trade who has access to the government’s darkest secrets and owns the biggest, most golden news bullhorn in the nation, plus is reaching into the world’s entertainment escape to drive his agenda – whatever that may be today or in the future.

The Washington Post and Amazon Prime streams into No.1 in our Golden Bullhorn list


Jobs is, no surprise, Steve Jobs widow and heir to his estate to the tune of $21 billion and has the dubious good fortune of being the impetus for this post. It was a rabbit hole downstream of an AtlanticMedia subsidiary website,, which caused me to trace down The Atlantic’s recent ownership change to her.

The Atlantic is certainly a gleaming media outlet with a glorious literary history and a history of long journalism. It’s ownership has changed hands several times, but most recently in 2017 to Jobs and more specifically to her Emerson Collective which was said to assume full operational management by 2022.

Emerson Collective is “a social change organization that uses a broad range of tools including philanthropy, impact investing, and policy solutions to create the greatest good for the greatest number of people” founded in 2004. While it no doubt is a philanthropic organization, it’s givings favors sides in at least one contentious debate, illegal immigration.

An organization with a one-sided purpose and access to near limitless funding, powerful alliances and a recently acquired, impeccable mouthpiece drops The Atlantic into a solid No. 2.